Freitag, 30. August 2013

Berlin Berlin

Wenn man Freunde zu Besuch hat, die nicht in Berlin leben, kommt man selbst als Einheimischer dazu, sich interessante Ausstellungen und Orte anzuschauen. So waren wir zusammen mit unserem Besuch an der East Side Gallery, in der Ausstellung GRENZERFAHRUNGEN und beim Tag der offenen Tür im Kanzleramt.

Hier die Fotos dazu:

East Side Gallery

biggest collection of parts from the Berlin wall


Exhibition in the Tränenpalast – "Palace of Tears" at Friedrichstraße station

The emotional experience of leaving East Germany for West Germany is never as intense as at Berlin’s Friedrichstraße Station border crossing point, called the Tränenpalast – "Palace of Tears". Here, people directly experience the impact of a divided Germany on their personal lives. The role of the Tränenpalast only changes after the fall of the Berlin Wall.

The Haus der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland Foundation presents the "Border Experiences – Everyday life in Divided Germany" permanent exhibition at the original location of the Tränenpalast, now a listed building. With a combination of real-life stories, original objects and interviews with contemporary witnesses, the exhibition provides a vivid insight into life in the shadow of division and the border. The display also presents the key turning points in the reunification process.

Open day at the Kanzleramt

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